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A Program for Companies Committed to Social Impact

The social context in which companies operate has evolved rapidly in the last few years. Employees now expect their companies to do more, be more visible, actively engage with the communities they are a part of and provide a stronger platform for catalyzing much needed social change. In the Social Impact Accelerator (SIA) program, participants generate innovative and socially impactful projects. They develop as leaders to deliver important and impactful outcomes for communities with the awareness and agility to choose and take action from a different range of Perspectives. 

Social enterprise projects focus areas:













The Time

Health & well-being for employees

Sustainable Energy

Planetary ecological sustainability

Adult Education Course

Lifelong learning & development

Session in Progress

Diversity, equity & inclusion

Solar Water Heater

Food, water & housing

Brainstorming Session




  • Activated to be sociopreneurial and generated innovative and socially impactful projects

  • Stand in the positive worldview of  VUCA 3.0

    • Velocity: create socially impactful outcomes

    • Universality: recognize that everything is interconnected

    • Co-creation: forge new pathways with internal & external stakeholders

    • Attraction-Acceleration: gather & implement aligned action

  • Developed skills and capabilities of the organization to effectively deal with a complex and rapidly evolving business environment

  • Increased employee engagement and retention by offering participants to work from a higher purpose

  • Produced measurable 5-Capital returns on investment 


  • Experienced developmental growth in skills & capabilities on the performance continuum of operational-tactical-strategic-unifying (worldview escalator)

  • Delivered a break-through passion-project that has significant social, organizational and community impact

  • Developed skills & capabilities to work effectively as a high-performance SIA team member and evolved to a “we together” perspective 


  • Developed skills & capabilities to work effectively as a high-performance SIA team member and evolved to a “we together” perspective 


  • More future ready for the complex technological, business and societal changes that are rapidly emerging



GCH is currently delivering a Social Impact Accelerator program within a global pharmaceutical company. The aim is to generate a social and community impact by directly changing patient's lives for the better.

As an illustration, one of the teams in the Leadership Accelerator program is developing strategic solutions that address the global issue of  reducing childhood mortality by piloting a program in a selected geography.  Through quick iterative cycles, the team 

  • articulated their transformational purpose (Vision) 

  • developed a strategic blueprint document for how to achieve their vision

  • determined a process for doing desk research to understand the dynamics and parameters of the local situation

  • created multiple scenarios to engage stakeholders (e.g. end user, business partners and client/customers with funding resources)

  • identified tracking and monitoring KPIs for success.

  • presented their case to the CSO and received a go-ahead for the next phase of  their project.

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